Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sermon #110 – Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the role of “Faith” in the health and wellbeing of the Believer.

Sermon #108 – In Him We Live, Move, and Have Our Being

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the benefits of allowing God to have “Full Sway” (permission to bring about His Will) in one’s life.

Sermon #107 – You are Valuable to God!

Join Pastor Brown as he turns the spotlight on God’s value of humankind and what lengths He went to to demonstrate mankind’s value to Him.

Sermon #106 – God is Interested in Your Success!

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on God’s interest in the success of His People (believers in Christ and potentially non-believers that will one day become believers).

Sermon #105- Nothing is impossible with God!

Join Pastor Brown as he unveils God’s desire for believers to experience His limitless ability to bless them in any circumstance.

Sermon #104 – The Kingdom Realities

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on “The Kingdom Realities” God has made available to every Believer in Christ.

Sermon #103 – The Life of Peace: The Christian Lifestyle

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on God’s intended lifestyle for believers in Christ, a life rich in peace, which Christ secured for Christians at the Cross.

Sermon #102 – The Unfamiliar Journey

Join Pastor Brown as he shares this inspirational message of allowing God to lead you in to a place of blessing even when you are unfamiliar with where He is leading you to (in HIs Will for your life).

Sermon #101 – What is the Meaning of Life

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches from scripture to answer the question “What is the Meaning of Life?”

Sermon #100 – We are entering into the Promised Land: A Land that Floweth with “Milk and Honey”

Join Pastor Brown as he shares God’s desire for His People, Christians everywhere, to enter in to their personal or corporate “Promised Land” experience, and enjoy the “Good Things” of a Land that “Floweth with Milk and Honey” (personal or corporate success).