Sermon # 19 – The Seed of Abraham

Join Pastor Brown as he unveils Christ as the “Ultimate Seed of Abraham” that unlocks and makes available the “Blessings of Abraham” for all believers.

Sermon # 18 a – The Protective Properties of the Blood

Join Pastor Brown as he unveils the protective properties of the Blood of Jesus.

Sermon # 17 – The Gospel of Grace

Join Pastor Brown as he shares the true ministry given to Christian as taught by the Apostle Paul, the ministry of sharing “The Gospel of the Grace of God.”

Sermon # 16 – You Faith in Jesus will never put you to Shame

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the value of sustained faith in Jesus regardless of the difficulties life brings your way.

Sermon # 15 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on offloading worry and allowing God to in birth His supernatural peace, joy, and confidence that will enable you to conquer every challenge in life.

Sermon # 14 – We are Seated in Heavenly Places in Christ

Join Pastor Brown as he unveils the benefits and authority associated with being seated in heavenly places with Christ.

Sermon # 13 – “Sign of the Times”

Join Pastor Brown as he shares the message “Sign of the Times” and how it relates to the   current world-wide pandemic.

Special Teaching # 3 – The Basics of Prayer

Join Pastor Brown for part 3 of this special teaching series where he unveils the basic structure and purpose of prayer.