Sermon # 69 – Jesus Christ: The Rock of Our Salvation

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the stability, safety, protection, and wellbeing available in Christ, for believers, in the midst of a fallen world.

Sermon # 68 – The Voice of the Lord

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on how to recognize the “Voice of the Lord” through the lens of the Gospel Message of Christ.

Sermon # 67 – Jesus at the Center

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the need for every church to have Jesus as its sole focus in order to overcome the ever-growing societal/cultural influences that look to overtake the church.

Sermon # 66 – The Humility of Christ

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the example of Christ’s humility during His earthly ministry and how His dependence on Father God should inspire all modern day Christians in their daily walks with their Heavenly Father.

Sermon # 65 – Live and Triumph, Knowing that God Lives Inside of You

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of every believer and how the Spirit helps believers in Christ to overcome the various challenges of Life.

Sermon # 64 – Give us this Day our Daily Bread

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the significance of the Holy Communion and its impact on the health and wellbeing of every believer.

Sermon # 63 – The Generosity of Christ

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on the readiness or liberality of Christ to bless His people, in every circumstance, as evident in the scriptures.

Sermon # 62 – In the Beginning was the Word

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on Christ’s ever present existence before the beginning of time itself, and how this truth impacts the modern day believer.

Sermon # 60 – The Promised Actualized: Overcoming the Giants in your Life

Join Pastor Brown as he teaches on overcoming life’s challenges that seemingly block to the way to God’s Promises being actualized in the life of a believer.